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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What's For Lunch?: Quick Marsala Noodles

My new kick seems to be using very thin Asian noodles as a pasta base for nearly anything imaginable.  Meat is only optional due to the high protein content of the noodles. My latest experiment was Marsala sauce.  Here is what I did:

Heat light olive oil, crushed red pepper, and garlic in pan until oil is almost at smoke point.  Add Marsala and chicken stock, keeping at a simmer to cook off the alcohol.  Cook pasta for about 1 minute (this is very, very thin pasta) so that it is not fully cooked.  Add anchovy, thyme, and basil, and squeeze of lemon to the sauce mixture.  After about 5 minutes, add a small amount of cornstarch and reserved pasta water solution to thicken the sauce.  Dump noodles in the sauce, heat until it thickens, and serve.

Overall lunch rating: [8/10].  Pleasantly surprised at the richness of the sauce even though no butter was used.

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